Our Story
Driving Construction Project Performance
What is Advanced Work Packaging?
AWP methodologies are fully scalable and can drive increased project productivity across multiple sectors of the construction industry.
decrease in cost overruns
decrease in schedule overruns
What we do
We provide information-sharing and professional networking opportunities (in safe harbor environments) for all members of the global construction industry with an interest in improving project safety, quality, predictability and overall performance.
Who we work with
Our events and community initiatives are a collaborative effort: we work with researchers, developers, implementers and practitioners from key industry associations and leading owner, contractors, supply and consulting organizations. Attend our events to learn, grow and generate new ideas.
Benefits of AWP
More about us
Executive Steering Committee (ESC)
Advisory Boards
Think Tank
If you are interested in contributing, please contact us.
Our Team
Lloyd Rankin
PMP, President
Lloyd started Group ASI in 2008 and continues to lead the organization, navigating the constantly changing AWP landscape. Before Group ASI, Lloyd spent over 20 years as a professor at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta focusing on project management, statistics, international business and supply chain management. His expertise in these areas lead to him being one of only four Canadians invited to help develop the Advanced Work Packaging model. When he is isn’t volunteering as a member of a CII committee or advocating for the progression of AWP, he can be found with one of his five loves – travelling with his wife Lisa, spoiling their dog Lily, taking care of one of his muscle cars (a 2019 Mustang Convertible 5.0 & a 1939 Ford Phantom Hot Rod) or camping with his grandchildren.
William McSherry
William Mcsherry’s business career has spanned almost fifty years. His experience includes extensive merger and acquisition experiences as a partner of a private equity firm, The Hiller Group; senior financial management positions in Silicon Valley, including partnering with Dr Ted Blackmon to form Common Point Inc developer of ConstructSim and advising several start-up companies. His early business career, he was a CPA with Coopers and Lybrand where he specialized in the construction and healthcare industries. Prior to entering business Bill was an engineer in the nuclear submarine program serving on two nuclear powered attack submarines. Mr. McSherry received an MBA from the University of California Berkeley and a BS from the US Naval Academy.
Bill joined Lloyd Rankin in GroupASI in 2010 to further the development of Advanced Workpackaging and Workface Planning. GroupASI has grown to be the premier organizer of AWP and related conferences.